Does Having a Pool Increase Your Electric Bill?

A close-up of a person reviewing their electric bill and reviewing expenses on a calculator

You may have heard that the cost of maintaining a pool is more than the cost of installing a pool. That’s because, along with general repairs, the electricity used to keep a pool clean and comfortable is an ongoing cost.

It’s estimated that pool owners pay an average of $500 a year in pool-related electric costs.

You can minimize your ongoing electrical costs by upgrading and maintaining your pool and by taking advantage of passive solar heat.

Your Swimming Pool Electricity Usage

Pool-related costs that impact your electric bill will vary based on:

  • Pool size
  • Amenities such as a hot tub, slide, jets, or pool lights
  • Type of pool heater and usage
  • Model of pool pump and usage

While some costs, like using your pool pump, are unavoidable, others—like the type of pool heater you use and how warm you keep your pool—can help you keep your electric bill down.

Your Pool Energy Usage Breakdown

First, let’s take a deeper look at what’s impacting your electric bill:

Running Your Pool Pump: Do I Need a Pool Pump?

Yes. All pools need a pool pump, which requires an electric motor to circulate and filter the pool’s water. The type and age of your pool pump, along with the size of your pool, impact the electricity cost of running your pump.

Because your pool holds standing water, if the water isn’t circulating regularly or correctly, the water can quickly gather debris and even become a breeding ground for unwanted bugs. To help keep bugs away from your pool be sure to contact Mosquito Squad for a traditional mosquito barrier treatment.

How Much Does It Cost to Run a Pool Pump?

The average pool pump costs 13 to 40 cents an hour to run, depending on the size of your pool and the age of your pump. This means that if you’re running your pump for the recommended 8 hours a day you could be spending $32 to $100 each month.

Related Blog: How to Care for Swimming Pool Pumps

Heating Your Pool: Do I Need to Heat My Pool?

Luckily, heating your pool isn’t a requirement for pool owners.

How Much Does It Cost to Heat Your Pool?

Another ongoing pool electrical expense is the cost of maintaining the water temperature. The cost of heating your pool will vary based on the size of the pool and the type of heater you use. The main types of heaters include solar, electric heat pumps, and gas.

If you do choose to heat your pool, each type of heater will impact your bill differently:

  • Solar heaters will likely have the largest upfront cost but the lowest overall cost over time because, once installed, it will heat your pool for free. Solar panels that are used to heat your pool can be placed on your roof or in the yard.
  • Electric heaters are less expensive to install but more expensive to run than solar. Electric pool heaters are great, though, because they’re so efficient. They heat the water by pumping water around hot coils and returning the warmth to your pool
  • Gas heaters are also relatively inexpensive to install—and can heat the pool water quickly. However, gas heaters are often less environmentally friendly than other heaters because gas or liquid propane must be burned to heat the water as it runs through the heater’s combustion chamber.

Electric heaters tend to be the most common option for residential inground pools because they heat the water quickly and work in any environment.

If you heat your pool, a pool cover can help to insulate the warmth, so you don’t have to run the heater as frequently.

Related Blog: Can I Really Have an Eco-Friendly Pool?

Rely on Professional Pool Maintenance to Keep Your Bill Down

Try these tips to minimize your electric bill:

  • Strategically run your pool pump. Try putting it on a timer so you don’t accidentally leave it running longer than necessary. We recommend running your pump for 8-12 hours per day.
  • Invest in a solar heater.
  • Use a quality pool cover to contain heat.
  • Contact ASP—America’s Swimming Pool Company—for regular pool maintenance and pool equipment repairs to keep your pool systems going strong so you don’t have to pay for parts that aren’t working at their full capacity.

If your pool pump or electric heater isn’t working properly, they can quickly rack up your electricity bill. For help keeping your pool’s energy bill down, request service online or call (803) 291-5195.